I haven't written a goals post in a while so I thought I would share with you everything I hope to accomplish over the next few weeks.
Find a job
Since graduating I've been searching for a job in my field. However, that is so much harder than people can imagine. I'm tired of not working so I've decided to look for any job so that I am working again whilst I continue to search for one in my field.
Complete Blogtober
This is my first year completing blogotber and I'm determined to post every day.
Focus more on Fitness and well-being
While I was away studying I got myself into a really good fitness routine at the gym and I felt the best that I had in years despite how hard it was. Since being back home that routine has slipped mainly because I cannot afford a gym membership. This month though I hope by using workouts that I've found on youtube, I can go back to feeling that way again.
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