Saturday, 28 April 2018

Final Pin up Session / Peer Review Session

Today we had our final peer review session. Everyone brought in the images they planned to exhibit either at the size they planned to exhibit them or close enough. I've very last minute decided to create a book thus meaning no one had seen it so I decided to show my dummy book as well, which received great feedback.   I also decided to use this opportunity to play with how I planned to exhibit my images. As my project Embodiment has two different styles to it that I feel do not not sit well together. However, a guest lecture thought they would be an interesting contrast.  

After seeing them next to each other during the peer review and going through the feedback I was given, I have come to the conclusion that they are much better separated.


Tuesday, 24 April 2018

TextBook studios visit

This afternoon five of us from the exhibition committee took a visit to textbook studios in Salford to discuss the design of our exhibition catalogue. We travelled down with everyone's images, statements and a good idea of how much money we had raised, ready to hand over to t
Textbook to work their magic. It turns out we have enough money to have foiled text on the front cover, this was good to hear especially after seeing how good it looked on last years catalogue.

The meeting ended up being quite a productive one and we came away with a colour for the front cover, two colour ideas for the foiled text, the date we would receive a pdf of the catalogue to proofread, the date the design was being sent off to print, the date we would receive the catalogues, an idea of how many we would each receive as well as invitation ideas for the exhibition itself.  Not too bad for a couple of hours work, let's just say it all feels much more real and I'm excited to see the finished product. 


The Steps to Embodiment

I thought I would share with you the evolution of my work to create the body of work Embodiment. As you will see from the very first post up until the last there was quite a change. On the other hand, there are also similarities between each image. 

From the series Embodiment

From the series Embodiment

Looking at these images now, I can definitely see how much I have evolved as a photographer.  The first few images feel as if they were taken just because I could with no real thought involved. Whereas, the end ones feel more considered and carefully planned, which they were. 


Sunday, 22 April 2018

Crafting and Utilising an Effective CV | Workshop

On Thursday afternoon Laura Bird the Careers adviser came in to do a workshop on crafting and utilising an effective cv. This was a workshop that was rescheduled due to the snow last month. There was already quite a few things I knew about Cv's as I have been working on mine over the past few months. However, the session was still incredibly informative. Especially when it came to writing a personal profile which is something I definitely say I struggle with by giving us three things to think about. 
1. What is my current situation? 
2. What makes me stand out for this job? 
3. What is it I am using my cv for? 

She also mentioned that we don't have to feel constrained to the chronological aspect of the cv and that we can mould it to fit the job title. This is something I hadn't heard before but have found extremely useful. 

Laura's workshop also helped me to understand how I demonstrate my projects and expand on them to justify the skills I have mentioned. 


Saturday, 21 April 2018

3 Fashion Shoots in 3 Days | Shoot No.3

My final shoot of the week was with my housemate Rosanna Dunne who like Laura is also final year Fashion Design and Marketing Student. The began on the last minute location before moving to the studio. I personally prefer the location images as I think they really emphasise the outfits and just look more professional. Whereas the studio ones were taken against a white background making the outfits the main focus. However, that sort of photography isn't usually my thing so it was an interesting shoot. 

Unfortanly for the models the shoot took place on what was probably the hottest day of the year we have had so far. And they were wearing a collection made for Autumn /Winter, I really did feel for them under the lights in the studio and tried to take the solo images of them on a quick rotation so they didn't get too warm or just had a chance to cool down. 

Model: Ellie Walsh
Designer: Rosanna Dunne 


Thursday, 19 April 2018

3 Fashion Shoots in 3 Days | Shoot No.2

Yesterday evening was shoot number 2 with Siân Crossley a final year studying Fashion  Communications and Promotions. For her project, she was looking a children's wear for the shoot specifically babies. Once again there a variety of images from pictures of  baby grows hanging off hangers which are on a rail or off ribbon to flat lays (shown above.) I have taken a few flat lays in the past but never set out like this.  And let's just say they were definitely my favourite whilst it was a long shoot it is something I would like to do again in the future.


Wednesday, 18 April 2018

3 Fashion Shoots in 3 days | Shoot No.1

This week is a busy one, I am shooting 3 shoots in 3 days for three different fashion students all are taking place in the studio. Two Fashion Design and Marketing students and a Fashion Communications and Promotions student. 

Yesterday evening I was shooting for final year student Laura Holness who is studying Fashion Design and Marketing. The clothes in the shoot have been designed and made by Laura herself and looked incredible. I was shooting three different outfits on her model Charlie Gibbons against a green background.  There are a variety of images from the shoot from close-ups of the outfits themselves to full-length portraits of the outfits, the clothes look incredible and both Laura and I are really pleased as to how the shoot turned out. For now, the only image shown will be the one above but once Laura has handed everything in I will reveal more. 

One shoot down two more to go!

Model: Charlie Gibbons
Designer: Laura Holness


Sunday, 15 April 2018

Kieran Dodds | Photographer

Over the past few days, I have spent my time in Pontins in Prestatyn at a Christian bible study week. Each morning has been filled with seminars on various topics with the main meet focusing on Nehemiah.  There were also talks about studying an art subject whilst being a Christian. Some may wonder what the difficulty is. Well, it can be hard being a Christian on an art course when some would say inappropriate content is discussed and reviewed.

An example is there was a girl on my course who began her final major project looking bondage in the background of her image of a young girl tied up was across. This cross was supposed to symbolise the innocence of the girl. I personally wasn't a fan of the work a reason being the way she had used the cross within her work. For it symbolises much more than innocence but forgiveness for our sins. What can you say in that situation though? I decided to stay quiet and avoid work as much as possible.

Photographer Kieran Dodds came and discussed his work on the last day. I thought he might have touched on being a photographer and how he can use his skills to glorify God a bit more than he did. But I still enjoyed hearing all about his experiences and his work. 

Dodds is a Scottish born photographer who studied Zoology at University. 

At the end of his talk, there was a Q&A session which I thought I would share with you.

How do we preserve photographs?
Through prints
Back up disks and hard drives
Archive digitally but don't forget the physical copies

On Shooting Film
Dodds said
"Whilst film can be expensive it can be nice as it slows you down and makes you think and reflect on what you are photographing."

To what extent can a photographer photograph the everyday and mundane and still point to God? 
"It conveys much more of reality. God is so good because He is interested in everyday stuff."

If you are photographing everyday movements. How do you not interfere with the subject in order to preserve those moments? 
"Long time photo essays the longer you are there the fewer people notice. Allow them to become bored with you. To the point, they don't notice you. But also get to know the person.

On the whole, the population having cameras and phones. 
"Everyone carries around at least one camera. Photography could be said to be a very democratic art form. It is all about producing meaningful work above that.
If our photographs don't convey meaning we need to work harder. Produce something with depth and ensure this depth communicates with others.

You can see his work here


Sunday, 8 April 2018

Creating a Website

The time has come for me to create a website in order to showcase my work. Being this is my first time creating a website I am a bit unsure which sites are best to use. During the alumni portfolio day, I asked Laura and Josh what sites they would recommend.  

Josh said he uses Wix. However, when I looked at Wix I wasn't very keen on the layouts and the fact that everything was on one page. All you needed to do was scroll down.  Laura said she uses Wordpress and built a website herself through coding. I'm not the biggest fan of Wordpress templates and I cannot code evidently ruling that out.  One of my tutors had mentioned format in the past, I've had a look and they have lots of templates as well as offering a 14-day free trial.  So I've decided to give it ago, I'll let you know how I get on.


Thursday, 5 April 2018

Social Media and Creative Assistant for The Growing Up Guide

I have recently been informed that I am one of the Social Media and Creative Assistants for The Growing Up Guide. I'll be focusing on their Instagram page and I cannot wait to work with other fellow creatives and bloggers. 

The Growing Up Guide is an online magazine that guides you through adulthood. It offers advice on university life, real issues, health, moving out Career, money etc.. Anything that comes with being an adult. I began as a writer for them wanting to gain some experience writing articles for somewhere, then I saw the position and thought it would be the perfect opportunity to gain work experience. This is something I would like to continue doing whilst also working on their social media.  

Check out their website: The Growing Up Guide

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