Saturday, 14 October 2017

Interim Exhibition

This afternoon I experienced my very first interim exhibition. For those of you who do not know what one of those is as I certainly didn't until recently. An interim exhibition is a mini exhibition of our work. Everyone is the class prints one image minimum A3 size on a nice paper type i.e semi-gloss (rather than just plain paper out of a printer) before sticking it onto boards. Everyone is then divided into groups before being assigned another groups work to critique with the help of a list of questions. We are given an hour to do this before coming together as a class and feeding back to the rest of the year. 

Although it was a long day, especially on your feet the feedback given made it worth it. I was unsure which image to exhibit for it and actually printed off two before making a quick decision to use the image shown above. 

The feedback I received was phenomeonal there were things noticed that I hadn't picked up on, such as my nail varnish matching the background colours. And people offered so many different ideas in regards to where I could take the work next, I look forward to trying them out. 


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