Monday, 9 October 2017

Final Year!

Final year, life looking out post

Final year is officially in full swing and has been since day one, whereas, in first and second year your tutors gradually easy you back into things in final year it's a go from the very beginning, on the first day people were meeting with their dissertation supervisors to discuss their topics. After being back two weeks so far with a total of four lessons, I've officially began writing my dissertation, presented my final major project ideas to half of my class and had a talk from the Careers department spurring me to book a Careers appointment and begin looking at grad schemes. There is so much work to be doing and it is crazy to think this time next year I would have graduated. 

My aim is to make this year the best possible, I plan on doing as much networking as possible (I've already bought a ticket for Stylist Live in London in November and plan on going to the Fashion Network in Manchester) and to continue building my photography portfolio. Also as part of my professional practice work I am required to set up a photography blog, so posts from those events will be on that blog. You can find it here.  

The future of this blog, my aim these past few months was to post more often, this is still an aim of mine if I am able to organise and manage my time alright then I should be post at least once a week. Also I really want to take part in blogmas this year but I do have a couple of very important deadlines just before and after Christmas, so I'll have to see how my workload is between now and December before fully committing. 

If there are any bloggers in Manchester/Leeds who would like a photographer, I would love to meet up, brainstorm a few ideas and then go out and take pictures for your blogs. Feel free to drop me an email if your interested. 

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  1. I love that you're aiming to make final year the best year yet! My one bit of advice (I graduated last year) would be really try and do everything you can this year and really make the most of your last year at uni!! Good Luck x


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