Wednesday, 18 October 2017

First Fashion Shoot

I completed my first Fashion shoot a couple of days ago, in collaboration with the final year fashion and communication students.  The shoot took place in a beautiful location in Liverpool, called Sefton Park Palm House and the model was from J'adore modelling agency.  It was my first time shooting with an agency model especially in such a beautiful environment and I loved every second of it. There is no need for any direction the model just changes pose every shot or two.  There was another photographer there as well the fashion students and it was nice working with other people. The group of fashion students were lovely and very organised, everyone got on so well making the shoot flow easily. 

I had a wonderful time shooting on such a beautiful location and cannot wait to do something like that again in the future. Also, it turned out the model is a Christian like me so it was nice to have something to discuss the in between shooting. 

I'm really pleased with how the images have turned out and it has definitely boosted my confidence when it comes to taking fashion images. 


Saturday, 14 October 2017

Interim Exhibition

This afternoon I experienced my very first interim exhibition. For those of you who do not know what one of those is as I certainly didn't until recently. An interim exhibition is a mini exhibition of our work. Everyone is the class prints one image minimum A3 size on a nice paper type i.e semi-gloss (rather than just plain paper out of a printer) before sticking it onto boards. Everyone is then divided into groups before being assigned another groups work to critique with the help of a list of questions. We are given an hour to do this before coming together as a class and feeding back to the rest of the year. 

Although it was a long day, especially on your feet the feedback given made it worth it. I was unsure which image to exhibit for it and actually printed off two before making a quick decision to use the image shown above. 

The feedback I received was phenomeonal there were things noticed that I hadn't picked up on, such as my nail varnish matching the background colours. And people offered so many different ideas in regards to where I could take the work next, I look forward to trying them out. 


Monday, 9 October 2017

Final Year!

Final year, life looking out post

Final year is officially in full swing and has been since day one, whereas, in first and second year your tutors gradually easy you back into things in final year it's a go from the very beginning, on the first day people were meeting with their dissertation supervisors to discuss their topics. After being back two weeks so far with a total of four lessons, I've officially began writing my dissertation, presented my final major project ideas to half of my class and had a talk from the Careers department spurring me to book a Careers appointment and begin looking at grad schemes. There is so much work to be doing and it is crazy to think this time next year I would have graduated. 

My aim is to make this year the best possible, I plan on doing as much networking as possible (I've already bought a ticket for Stylist Live in London in November and plan on going to the Fashion Network in Manchester) and to continue building my photography portfolio. Also as part of my professional practice work I am required to set up a photography blog, so posts from those events will be on that blog. You can find it here.  

The future of this blog, my aim these past few months was to post more often, this is still an aim of mine if I am able to organise and manage my time alright then I should be post at least once a week. Also I really want to take part in blogmas this year but I do have a couple of very important deadlines just before and after Christmas, so I'll have to see how my workload is between now and December before fully committing. 

If there are any bloggers in Manchester/Leeds who would like a photographer, I would love to meet up, brainstorm a few ideas and then go out and take pictures for your blogs. Feel free to drop me an email if your interested. 

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Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Saal Digital Review

Dana Sonia Photography

As nice as an online portfolio is, I have always been the sort of person who prefers a physical copy,so when it came to creating a portfolio a physical copy.                      
When it came to getting the book printed I discovered Saas Digital, they looked  reasonably priced and easy to use whilst still creating high quality photobooks. I found the best way to create my photobook was to download their software, it's free as well as being really quick and easy to download.

I decided to create a small photobook thus making it easier for me to carry around. Once I opened the software I was given the opportunity to select the size of my photobook and whether or not I had matte or glossy pages (don't worry though  you are not obligated to decide straight away as you can always come back to that bit at the end.) My photobook consisted of 26 pages with my photos each placed in a different style i.e. some take up a double page, whilst others may be place on the left hand with the right hand side left blank for added affect.

My book arrived within two days of ordering which is great and much quicker than a company I've used previously and for the price I paid (£29.95 which is cheap for a photobook) the quality was certainly a lot better. The quality of my images looked as good as they did on screen and the glossy pages do not leave any finger marks which was something I was worries about. Overall, I could not be happier with the overall look of it, and my model loved it as well, Saal digital will definitely be somewhere I go to buy photobooks in the future as well as a place I'll recommend to those on my 
photography course. 

Dana Sonia Photography

Dana Sonia Photography

Dana Sonia Photography

Dana Sonia Photography

Dana Sonia Photography

Dana Sonia Photography

You can get a £15 welcome voucher by clicking here

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