Tuesday, 18 November 2014

12 Day Blogger Challenge - Day 12

It is my last post for this challenge and I would like to start it by thanking all of you who read my posts. I did it! I posted twelve days worth of posts, this has to be the most consistent I have ever been! Along the way I gained a new follower on Bloglovin and had forty page views in one day, which for me is a lot!

For the time being I'll leave you with these popular and emotional Christmas adverts along with my two favourite songs from Rend Collective's new album 'The Art of Celebration,' 'Finally Free' and 'Simplicity.'

Once again thank you!
I'll see you soon!
Lots of love,
Dayna xxx


12 Day Blogger Challenge - Day 11

Three Things I am Loving at the Moment

1. Rend Collective - they are a Christian worship band and are awesome, I had not really heard of them up until recently, but on Saturday I had the honour of going to see them live and I haven't stopped listening to their new album 'The Art of Celebration'  on Youtube since. Go and have listen!! 

2. Fringe - I'm hooked, I started season one years ago but never got round to watching the rest so I'm currently making the most of a Netflix account and catching up. 

3. You!  I checked my page views the other day and discovered I'd had forty in one day! That is the most I have ever had considering I do not post as often as I should. Thank You! 

See you tomorrow!
Lots of love,
Dayna xxx

Monday, 17 November 2014

12 Day Blogger Challenge - Day 10

A Day in Life of Me!! 


Well usually on a Sunday I wake up around 9am to give me enough time to get ready for the 10am bus which takes me to town, from there I walk to Church. However  yesterday morning my alarm didn't go off and so I ended up waking up 10am evidently missing that bus, thankfully my church doesn't start till 11.15am so I am usually early. This gave me the opportunity to catch the 11am bus. Was I late? Yes, but on;y by 15 or  20 minutes. The funny thing was I had messaged a friend of mine earlier informing her I was going to be late and asking her to save me a seat, unbeknownst to me (due to the lack of signal at my accommodation) she had messaged me the exact same thing and so we were late together. After Church me and a few others decided to go to Wetherspoons for lunch, that was nice and pretty cheap as well (affordable prices for students! Yay!).

Unfortunately during the evening I was told some news that left me feeling upset and angry for the rest of the evening, so I ended up spending the rest of the evening and early hours of the morning watching back to back episodes of  Fringe on Netflix trying to distract myself.

I hope you all had a nice Sunday.
Lots of love,
Dayna xxx

Sunday, 16 November 2014

12 Day Blogger Challenge - Day 9

I've been racking my brain for days trying to think of a tutorial. Could I come up with anything? Nope! However I saw this whilst watching Fringe and thought why not learn to do this. 

Good Luck! 
Lots of love,
Dayna xxx

Friday, 14 November 2014

12 Day Blogger Challenge - Day 8

My Home Decor wishlist

So I'm just going to redirect you to my pinterest page where you can take a look at my board titled dream home.  All you have to do is click on the photo below. 

Reading a childhood classic in this cozy space. | 31 Places Bookworms Would Rather Be Right Now

See you tomorrow! 
Lots of love,
Dayna xxx


12 Day Blogger Challenge - Day 7

I apologise again for another late post, but on the bright side at least I'm still posting, so the topic for yesterdays post was a seasonal post and I chose Winter. 

Three Things I love about Winter

  1. The clothes - there is nothing better than wearing an oversized jumper!
  2. Hot Chocolate - Even though I drink hot chocolate all year round, I still enjoy drinking it on a cold winter's day curled up in bed with a book or watching a film or TV show.
  3. CHRISTMAS!! The run up to Christmas is the best, I enjoy watching all the Christmas films and listening to Christmas songs!

Lots of love,
Dayna xxx


Wednesday, 12 November 2014

12 Day Blogger Challenge - Day 6

I'm Currently Reading Elle -The Feminism Issue!

Did you hear about the HeforShe campaign? If not I advise you to watch the video below.

Emma Watson (Most famous for role as (Hermione Granger in Harry Potter) is the 'the fresh face of feminism.'  The December issue of Elle discusses in an interview with Watson herself the events that occurred on the day she gave her UN speech (above)

Elle UK - December 2014
Image from Google image.

See you tomorrow!
Lots of love,
Dayna xxx


12 Day Blogger Challenge - Day 5

Most loved possessions 

1. My bible, it's great to have God's word always with me. 

2. Matilda on DVD, so even though I have recently bought the DVD due to no longer having a video player it is still one of my most loved possessions as it is a part of my child hood. 

3. My iPod it holds all my music and I couldn't imagine my life without music.

4. Photos, whether they are on my computer, iPod or in a photo album as they hold so many memories. 

5. Books I can't say which ones specifically, I just love escaping into a book. 

I apologise for this being a day late, I had it written out but never got round to posting it. 

Lots of love, 
Dayna xxx


Monday, 10 November 2014

12 Day Blogger Challenge - Day 4

Top 5 films of 2014 so far 

  1. The Fault in Our Stars
  2. X-men Days of Future Past
  3. The Amazing Spider-Man 2
  4. Gone Girl
  5. Divergent 

That's day 4 everyone, see you tomorrow

Lots of love,
Dayna xxx

P.S If you have a different order for these films, leave me a comment and let me know what it is. :)

Sunday, 9 November 2014

12 Day Blogger Challenge - Day 3

Quote of the Day
This happens to fall on scripture Sunday so I'll be posting a scripture. 

"O come, let us sing unto the Lord: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation.
Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto hum with psalms."
                                                                                                                 Psalms chapter 35 verses 1-2

Enjoy the rest of your day everyone see you tomorrow! 

Lots of love,
Dayna xxx

Saturday, 8 November 2014

12 Day Blogger Challenge - Day 2

Review a product, service or brand. 

Okay so this is going to be brief as I have been quite busy today, but I am determined to complete this challenge. 

*Sits there dancing to Mika when she should be typing* 

Simple products 

If you have sensitive skin like I do then Simple is the perfect brand for you, (it rhymes) I own their foaming cleanser, cleansing lotion and facial toner. I don't really use the facial toner or cleansing lotion that often as it does not really make much of difference, however I do use the foaming cleanser and I can say it is great, it doesn't dry out my skin nor is it too oily and best of all it doesn't give my skin an allergic reaction!

If you don't use Simple then I would advise you to give it ago, check out their link below 

I apologise for the randomness above, I'm in that sort of mood today. 
See you tomorrow!

Lots of love,
Dayna xxx


Friday, 7 November 2014

12 Day Blogger Challenge - Day 1

Hey everyone, so it's been a while since I've posted, I know I'm not the most consistent poster ever but wow it feels like forever since I have been on here. Lets catch you up, well at the very last minute I decided not to take a gap year but to apply to university instead, this last minute decision meant I was extremely busy organising  things. I had to write and submit an application for UCAS, ring round universities I liked to see which ones would take me, submit a student finance form and last but not least start shopping for Uni! It was all a bit crazy and last minute but I'm here now, if your wondering where here is, it's The University of Huddersfield studying Photography. 

Over the next 12 days I'll be participating in the 12 day blogger challenge, I saw it over at Hollie Garner's blog and thought it would be a nice way to get me blogging again. So thanks to the original creator Amy from for creating an awesome challenge. 

Lets begin, day 1 

Why do you blog? 

I started my blog to try something different and to be more creative, blogging for me is a way to receive different opinions on your own interests and hobbies. I may not blog often but I do enjoy blogging, My aim is to blog regularly. 

5 Random Facts About Me:

1. I love owls, I own owl earrings, two owl tops,  an owl necklace and an owl cushion.

2. According to Pottermore I am in Hufflepuff.

3.  I am a Christian.

4. I am a Photography Student.

5. I love the colour purple.

Below is the 12 day blogger challenge, why not take part? If you do let me know I would love to read your posts. 

It is good to be back, see you tomorrow! 
Lots of love,
Dayna xxx

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