Saturday, 11 November 2017

Alumni Portfolio Review | The Review

Dana Sonia Photography

For the portfolio review I had the opportunity to talk to three of the alumni whilst I would have loved to talk to all of them there just wasn't the time, so I had to be selective. I choose to speak to Daniel, Laura, and Nicole. Daniel because of 'The Pupil Sphere' he set up such a phenomenal platform whilst in on placement and during his final year. I also have a lifestyle blog that I wanted his opinion on, as well as my work because his knowledge is incredible. I choose to speak to Nicole as her final major project when she was a student is similar to my dissertation and I choose to speak to Laura because of her work ethic and determination during her final year.

They all gave me invaluable pieces of advice: 

Daniel advised me in test and evaluate different papers for the exhibition as it will really help, to be meticulous about tiny detail and to continue to work with models from agencies. In regards to my blog, he really liked the design and encouraged me to post every day on Instagram.  You can read my blog here

I loved Laura's honesty she was worried that she was being too harsh but she wasn't and any negative comment she made she explained why and could show me how my work had improved over the space of a few months.  

It was lovely to see Nicole again, she has been coming in and giving talks since I was in my first year and we had a really interesting discussion about my dissertation, it was lovely to talk to someone who knew the subject pretty well and wasn't a tutor. 

Overall the Alumni Portfolio review was a great way to end the week and I am excited for the next one. 


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