Saturday, 11 November 2017

Alumni Portfolio Review | The Alumni

The Alumni
From the top left work by Daniel Ainsworth, Sophie Abbot,  Thomas Duffield, Laura Patrick,  Sam Wellburn, Tim Brown and Nicole Jopek

Today was the last day of creative exchange a week and was quickly looking to be one of the busiest and most beneficial days of the entire week. My course brought 7 graduates in to discuss life after university and a few of the options out there as well giving us the opportunity to talk to a minimum of 2 one to one to ask any questions we had and to get advice on the work we have produced so far. 

Who are the Alumni? 

Sophie Abbott - Graduated in 2015 -

  • Lead creative retoucher at 
  • Began the course with an interest in fine art, but became interested in fashion in her second year.  
  • Working with the fashion students inspired her. 
  • Placement with Brits Smith, allowed her to photograph the front covers of cookbooks
  • Was given the chance to photograph Brits Smith
  • Final year - a lot of testing, using the studio and submitting to magazines.  
  • Gave a presentation at the blue coat gallery and was featured in Red Eye 
  • First job postgrad was in commercial photography, retouching product. By getting a job in her field she was giving the chance to build up her confidence.
  • Applied for a job at Boohoo - created research and mood boards, they loved how she viewed the images as a creative rather than just a retoucher
  • Most rewarding part of being in Boohoo is she gets to see her work everywhere. 
  • Can work well under pressure 

  • Daniel Ainsworth -  founder of The Pupil Sphere -

  • Graduating after completing his MA
  • Created The Pupil Sphere which a platform for student photographers, by starting to help student photographers work online through giving everyone the chance to sell their own books. 
  • The aim is to inspire promote and give all student photographers a voice, it's also a community between university students.
  • Launched The Pupil Sphere in his final year when doing his professional practice. 
  • Joined other University photographic societies over Facebook to help promote the page
  • Has connections all around the world
  • Gets paid for consultations on exhibitions and websites 
  • Running for two years is going really well
  • Helped connect more photographers and made an educational tool.
  • Made more money through advertising 
  • Future -  touring exhibition  

  • Tim Brown -
    • From photography to Digital Media to PGCE teacher training 
    • Final Major - Italian fascist -era children’s summer camps 
    • Stumbled across an empty building when in Italy he found a children’s medical card. How he came up with the idea
    • Started with a large interior and then created a minimalist abstract image focusing on colour
    • Digital Media MA - allows you to become much more research orientated
    • PGCE - interested in teaching 

    Thomas Duffield -
    • A personal project that reveals a secret concealed from him and his sister as children.
    • Family - things that were never discussed.
    • Work is abstract, a beautiful photograph for everyone to enjoy not just academics using lighting.
    • Made a lot of work even when you don’t know where it’s going to go the important thing is you are making it and feeling your way through it. 
    • A lot of photographs taken at home. 
    • Inspired by the emotional times had with Dad takes photograph after meetings 
    • Photographed people who had experienced the story from different perspectives, things about the use of colours and how they can tie things together.
    • Broad range of styles when shooting and it all came together in the editing process
    • His project was featured in the BJP.
    • “Have confidence in what you are doing.”
    • When you graduate it is important to keep within the committees as you don’t have the constant need to make work. 
    • Just keep shooting 
    Nicole Jopek -
    • Photographer and re-toucher 
    • Never stop working whether she is doing something for a client or for herself. 
    • Tries not to create the same work with every shoot she does but still keep a part of her in it. 

    Laura Patrick -
    • Graduated July 2017
    • During her placement year, she completed 4 placements up and down the country in commercial studios.
    • Went into the final year saying all she was going to do is commercial briefs as that is what she wanted to do when she graduated. Took on a brief from one of her placements which were to create a series of abstract images around orchestral music something out of her comfort zone. She began using her strengths the studio where she spent the entire year. 
    • Abstract work in her final year to really push herself, stuff she knew technically she could do but didn’t have any of in her portfolio. Shooting these things in her own time for her professional practice and her blog. 
    • Spent the year looking past what the object was and looking at the beauty of the object.
    • Now works as a freelance assistant in commercial studios.
    • Funded her placement year shooting property.
    • Comfort zone working with corporate people 
    • Even if not interested in commercial it is best to get a portfolio for that as you don’t know where you will end up. 

    Sam Wellburn - 
    • PhD Student 
    • Advice
    • Nov - Feb: Crucial photography then go into editing 
    • May - Work backwards from your deadline
    • April/May start thinking about what you want to do (MA)

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