Thursday, 7 September 2017

Netflix Shows I'd Recommend

Gilmore Girls A Year in the Life 

All of you who have followed Gilmore Girls from the beginning will know that after 7 seasons, the endings was terrible in  a good way but terrible. Why? Because the writers left so man questions unanswered, I don't want to say what they are in fear of spoiling it for those who haven't seen it but for those who have you know what I mean. So when Gilmore Girls A Year In the Life was announced I was so excited, it certainly did not disappoint, it consists of four 90 minute episodes each one representing a season that will send you on one emotional rollercoaster after another. 

A Series of Unfortunate Events (Netflix Original) 

As someone who grew up reading the books, this was a tv show I was extremely excited about especially considering they only made one film. So far there has only been one series consisting of 8 episodes, with two episodes representing one book. The episodes were good but a bit confusing some times for those of you who have seen it, you may understand why I also think they are aimed at really young children, just because of the characters mannerisms and how everything seemed overly exaggerated or maybe I'm just too old to watch them which is a scary thought. Overall though I still think it's worth the watch if you were a fan of the books as a child. 

Pretty Little Liars 

Where do I start with this tv show? If you started watching it and never got round to finishing, I would recommend you do. While the show is extremely infuritaing as the questions you have never seem to get answered, I would still power through if I were you especially if you only have a couple of seasons to go. As for starting the the show, I'm not too sure you could give it a go. I began watching it when it first  and at the time I was thirteen and when it finished over the summer I thought about going back and watching it from the very beginning but I just couldn't get into it. I think in someways the show ago with me so if you are young like I was when I first started watching it then give it ago and if not give it ago anyway you might enjoy just be prepared for some unanswered questions. 

The Good Witch 

This is a really nice feel good show that does not take itself too seriously, If you are looking to just sit back and watch something that does not have any complicated storylines but will put a smile on your face then this is a tv show I would recommend. There are currently three seasons on Netflix with an average of 12 episodes per season. Each episode is around 40 minutes long. Next time you are looking to relax and watch something lighthearted give it a go. 

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