Friday, 11 August 2017

"Happy is What Happens When All Your Dreams Come True..."

Harry Potter Birthday Cake

You may recognise the title of the post as a lyric from the song 'Thank Goodness' from the musical Wicked. That lyric pretty much sums up how I felt on the 18th July, (my 21st birthday) I finally turned 21 and it was the best birthday ever! I kicked off the birthday celebrations the Sunday before, as my friends from work threw me a Harry Potter themed birthday party, with games such as pin the nose on Voldemort. Usually I don't like birthday parties because I  don't like being the centre of attention. However, this one was perfect, it felt like we were all just getting together to socialise out of work, mind we don't usually have a theme when we do. They baked me a Harry Potter chocolate cake it looked incredible and tasted great too! The entire evening was in immense fun and I couldn't have asked for a better way to kick off my 21st birthday celebrations.

Harry Potter

On my birthday (this year it was a Tuesday) my Mum and I took the train to London before taking the underground and then a bus to the Royal Garden Hotel where we would stay overnight due to seeing Wicked later on that evening. The staff were lovely and made my birthday that little bit more special firstly by bringing up a plate of chocolates with the words Happy Birthday written on just after I had arrived and because during our afternoon tea at their restaurant downstairs they brought out a candle on one of the cakes and sitting in front was a slate of white chocolate with Happy Birthday written on using milk chocolate, during this the pianist playing softly in the background began playing Happy Birthday softly and just before she left she stopped by the table to wish me a Happy Birthday, it was such a lovely thing to do and really made me smile.

Royal Garden hotel


 Wicked was phenomenal, watching a musical in London is seeing something on whole other level. I was so happy I could have cried! ( I'm not exaggerating) Overall though I had the best birthday ever and I would like to thank everyone at work for throwing me such an incredible birthday party. The Royal Garden Hotel in London for making my birthday that extra bit special with all the little things they did and most importantly my Dad I wouldn't have been able to go if he hadn't helped me get there. Thank you!

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