Thursday, 7 September 2017

Next Street Style Competition

This year I have decided to start entering competitions, for a couple of reasons, to help build my portfolio and also to challenge my creativity. Usually, the competition will give you some sort of brief and I really enjoy been given the freedom to creatively interpret that brief and then seeing how everyone else it interpreted it. 

The first competition I entered was the Next Street Style competition back in June which I discovered on Next's Instagram page.  

Here are the details I was given:

Judged on: content, creativity, style and mood
Images required: minimum of 3 (max 5) street style shots must include one Next item
Where to submit them:  upload to Instagram using the hashtag #NextStreetStyle or via
Prize:  A five day trip for 2, including the opportunity to experience the Next photoshoot in the Caribbean or the US. The winner would spend 2 days on the shoot, leaving 3 days to explore, flights, airport transfers, 4* accommodation, £500 spending money and a £200 Next give card towards a holiday wardrobe were all included. 

Due to Next's tall range and being tall I own quite a few Next items, so the outfits weren't a problem I just had to select them, a friend of mine agreed to model for me so that was another thing I could tick of my list, the only thing I had the think about was location thankfully though I managed to find a few streets nearby that I thought were nice backdrops for a photoshoot. By the end of the day, I returned home with some images I was really proud of after a shoot I had really enjoyed planning and then doing. I learnt Street photography is something I enjoy and something I'll look to do in the 

My entries are below


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