Friday, 18 May 2018

4 years later...

I am done! Everything is handed in and my four-year degree is finished. It's crazy how quickly these past four years have gone and everything that has happened in between. However, this year I finally reached a place where I felt like I belong. Where my work was equal with others in my class rather than seeing all of the flaws within it,  As this chapter of my life comes to a close I thought I would share some things I've learnt over I would say this past year. But it's only been around 8 months. Along with some advice for those who may be going into their final year.

On writing your Dissertation 

 Set yourself targets 
I was lucky because on my course they had given us rough word counts to have for each supervision and considering we only had five I felt it was necessary to stick with it.  With my deadline being just after Christmas me sticking to these word counts allowed me to have Christmas break. 

Read, read and read some more. 
I cannot stress how much easier your dissertation will be to write if you have done a lot of research. Also, don't be so quick to disregard stuff that you have read that do not relate directly to your chosen topic, you will be surprised to find that it may actually link in one way or another. 

Not everyone can listen to music whilst writing essays but if you are one of those that can, I would create a playlist with all of your favourite songs. For me, I can only write essays listening to music that is instrumental as I find end up writing out the lyrics instead.  Soundtrack from films really help. I've put together a playlist of songs I listened to. 

Keeping yourself motivated 
My housemate had to hand in her literature review around the same time my dissertation was due, so we used to spend a lot of time in the library together. Working with a friend helps to keep you more focused. 

Writer's block 
Change techniques, after a while I found it too hard typing on a computer so I began writing on scrap sheets of paper and then typing it up afterwards. This technique really helped me to 

Final Major Project


For those of you studying an art subject. 
Embrace it and don't worry. From the second I read the summer briefing in May I spent time wracking my brain as to what my final major project could be about. Before I knew September had come, I was preparing to go back to university after my placement year and I still had no idea. However, starting with an image I really liked and enjoyed taking was a good point, and just not forcing an idea on myself but by shooting every idea I had to see how they worked out and playing by my strengths. You can see a post on the evolution of my work here. 

 photo Signature 2_zpsbacoqsei.png


Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Putting Together My Portfolio

Due to printing expenses, I have decided to create my portfolio at uni and by hand. I have used the printers at uni to print the images. They are A4 and printed on semi-gloss paper. I then purchased several sheets of A3 off-white mount board before sticking my images onto the card using spray mount. It's a very lengthy process, however, I have learnt that you can still get your desired results even on a budget. It took me around two hours to spray mount all of my images, however, I am extremely happy with the results. 

You may wonder why I have chosen to mount my portfolio. It wasn't my first choice but after talking to one of my tutors and sitting down to think about it, I've realised it's a good idea.  The majority of my images have black backgrounds and with semi-gloss paper mounting them will give people something to hold without touching the prints themselves. Also, it looks much more professional. 


Friday, 4 May 2018

Collaboration with Sarah Moses | Textiles Student

This evening I was back in the studio with textiles student Sarah Moses photographing the same as we had previously done this time using a grey background. We managed to clean up the confetti much quicker this time. I also photographed the collection of fabrics she had woven.



Thursday, 3 May 2018

Website Review | Tim Brown Alumni

Alumni Tim Brown who is currently undergoing his PGCE was offering to website reviews for those who wanted it. As I have recently put together a website myself I thought I would sign myself up. Tim was very honest with my website, pointing out the strengths and weaknesses of my website so that I can showcase my work to its full potential. I've removed an entire section based off of his recommendation as him pointing it made me realise it doesn't really add anything to my site, as well as taking off a couple of images from a few categories so that only the strongest were left. Being new to website development and having never used format before it took me a while to find and make some of the adjustments he suggested. Once implemented I've seen a real improvement to my website.  

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