Monday, 1 May 2017

Monday's Musings - May Goals

With May brings the rain, thankfully it was just a quick shower though because although I had an umbrella with me, I was not suitable dressed for the amount of rain that fell. I can't believe it's May already and next month we will be half way through the year. Last month went so fast that I never had the chance to complete all of the things I'd planned to, but I'm determined to this month.  I have five goals for this month and to ensure I achieve them all I thought I would share them with you. 

 1. To be strict with blog posts and post at least twice a week 
 I have a list of post ideas that I need to draft as well as a few in my drafts and photos on my hard drive so all I need to do now is post them. 

2. Plan my 21st birthday 
I turn 21 in July and I really want to go and see Wicked in London so I need book my tickets and hotel for that. 

3. Do more workouts 
Workout at all, I'll be honest and say I don't really workout, but it's something I want do. On Friday, as I was off work that evening I decided to attend my Mum's yoga class with her, the class she attends is an  intermediate class and I'm a beginner therefore I found parts of it difficult but I felt good afterwards and it's encouraged me to workout more. There are some great workouts by Blogilates on YouTube. 

4. Plan photo shoots 
Continue to build my portfolio. 

5.  Cook more  
For my birthday last year I asked for a couple of cook books, in the beginning I was really good at cooking recipes from them but then something happened where I became so busy that I only just had time to eat let alone cook, thus leaving my Mum to do it all, but now that things have calmed down I want to go back to cooking at least once a week. 



  1. These are great goals, I definitely need to go to the gym more this month too

  2. Sound like great goals. I could definitely do with working out more! Abi |

  3. Great goals, I heard really good things about wicked, I'm sure you'll love it x


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