Wednesday, 5 August 2015

All About Me ABC.....

Adult (I've been a legal adult for a year now, yet I still do not feel like one.)
Brownies ( This has nothing to do with the food, I used to be Brownie when I was younger.)
Elim (The Church I attend.)
Fairy lights (I'm obsessed.)
Girl ( I wouldn't say I'm overly girlie,)
Harry Potter (Huge fan.)
Irish dancing ( I used to have Irish dancing lessons.)
July (Month I was born.)
Kansas ( Currently listening to their song 'Carry On My Wayward Son' while writing this.)
Love to read
Mcfly (First concert I attended.)
Notting Hill (One of my favourite films.)
One Tree Hill (I'm currently obsessed with this TV show)
Photography student
Quorn (I'm a pescitarian.)
Rings (I love Pandora rings and own three myself)
Stephen Chobsoky (author of  'The Perks Of Being A Wallflower', I love the book and film!)
University of Huddersfield
Video ( My favourite video as a child - yes video that is how old I am- was Matilda, I'm shocked it did not break.) 
Waitress (First and current job.)
X-ray (I had to have an X ray on my tooth once.) 
Young Enterprise ( Runner up.) 
Zelda (Do you remember that game on the Nintendo DS?)

Have you tried this? If not why don't give it ago, and leave your blog link in the comments below so I can check it out! 



  1. Ahh, what an amazing Idea! I'm definitely going to try this, how you came up with something for every letter I'll never know! Great to get to know a little bit better though!

    Lorna,xo |

    1. Thank you! All the best, I look forward to reading it :)

      Dana x


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