Sunday, 29 June 2014

Scripture Sunday!

'I pray that your love will grow more and more, and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding.'
                                                Philippians Chapter 1 v 9

Thursday, 26 June 2014

Piano Covers

The other evening I was on Youtube watching piano covers as you do and I came across the incredible pianist Jonny May, whilst watching his videos I was speechless, if I can become half the piano player he is then I would be happy. Below I have posted a couple of my favourites, check out his Mary Poppins piano Medley as well as his Disney one and let me know what you think and which one your favourite is. Personally I love the Mary Poppins piano Medley! I also came across the pianist Jarrod Radnich and his Harry Potter and the Pirates of the Caribbean solos, being a huge Harry Potter fan I would have to say my favourite solo is of course his Harry Potter one as he manages to capture the magic within his playing! although the Pirates of the Caribbean solo is still amazing. 

Lots of Love
Dayna xxx

Sunday, 22 June 2014

Scripture Sunday!


Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Matte Nail Varnish Review

This is the first and only Matte nail varnish I own, I was given it as a Christmas present last year and to be completely honest was not very keen with how it looked on due to it not having a shiny finish. However, I have grown to like the finishing look as it not having a shiny finish means it does not draw too much attention to your nails thus creating a subtle look that is suitable for day and night. The nail varnish is easy to apply and fast drying which is great for when you are in a rush. It does not chip easily either. 

The nail varnish I have is from Topshop, the colour is red and it is called dress up, unfortunately they do not sell it on the website but you can find other colours here and should be able to find it at your local shop. It costs £6.00 which I think is a fair price and they currently have a special offer online where you can buy two for £9.
Lots of Love,
Dayna xxx

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Scripture Sunday

Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
  Point out anything in me that offends you,
          and lead me along the path of everlasting life.
                                          Psalm 139 v 23-24 

Saturday, 14 June 2014

It's been a while...

Well what can I say other than it's been a while, three months to be exact and for that I apologise. I have been so busy with college work and then exams over these past few months that I just have not had the time, thankfully though I've finished my A levels and now I have a long summer ahead of me of to catch up on some TV (I've currently started watching 'The Walking Dead' and I am hooked) as well as reading for pleasure!! (I'm currently reading 'Paper Towns' by John Green and then I plan on reading 'Looking For Alaska'). 'The Fault in Our Stars' is coming out next week, I'm so excited!

Here is what I have been up to over the past few months. 
My Photography work

From left to right McBusted, Last day of college, 'The Great Gatsby' afternoon, Charity Football match,
revision session with lots of chocolate, and revision for my last exam. 

On May 3rd a friend and I travelled to the NEC in Birmingham to see McBusted, and they were incredible, I got the tickets late last year whilst in college, thanks to O2 priority moments and their 48 early ticket sale.

Last day at College 
My outfit for my very last day at college, I'm no longer a college student any more, I have to say it is weird, but we all have to grow up someday.
My top is from a shop called Select, and my skirt is from Topshop.

'The Great Gatsby' afternoon
English Literature was one of the subjects I studied at A level, and one of the books I had to chosen to use as my wider reading for the exam was 'The Great Gatsby' by F. Scott Fitzgerald. So as part of my revision I decided to put the movie on in the background. Who said revision couldn't be fun? :)

Charity Football Match 
On bank holiday Monday, I attended the Charity Football match Nial Horan was hosting in Leicester, it was his team vs Piers Morgan. Unfortunately his team lost, during penalties but it was still a great game.

Revision session with chocolate 
It is self explanatory really, we had to have something to keep us going through all that revision.

My revision notes for my last exam
On June 11th I sat my very A level exam, Psychology, and this was a picture I posted on Instagram with the following hashtags to keep me motivated #psychology #lastexam #icandothis #willbedonethistimetommorow #nearlythere

Lots of Love ,
Dayna xxx
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