Friday, 22 November 2013

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire!!

I went to see 'The Hunger Games Catching Fire' yesterday and it was amazing! It was much better than the first one and really stuck to the book. To be honest I was quiet surprised about how much action from the book they managed to include, they included everything! It was great and I can not wait to see it again. I would definitely recommend it to everyone, seriously you won't be disappointed. :)

And if you have not read the book I would definitely recommend that as well. 

Lots of Love 
Dayna xxx



  1. I honestly can't wait to see it as it was my favourite book of the three! I might wait another week to see it though as I want to re-read the books first! :) x

    1. My aim was to re-read the book before I watched it, but I never got round to it. You would be surprised at how much you remember from the book. :) x

    2. Hii! New follower here :) I know what you mean about it being amazing; the whole cinema (including me) were freaking out the whole way through. I couldn't think of anything wrong with it at all!! :D xx

    3. Thanks for the follow, the film was fantastic, if I could have stayed and watched it again I would have! :) xx


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