Monday, 17 April 2017

Monday's Musings - A Day in Cambridge

On Friday, I spent the day in Cambridge with a group of friends. We each live in cities nearby and decided on Cambridge as our meeting spot. The weather was cloudy but as the day went on it brightened up which only made the day better. Other than punting we had no real plans for the day so we just took it as it came. We began by watching fudge being made in a shop outside Kings College before heading off to find a cheap place to hire a boat. Due to it being a bank holiday there were a lot of people around trying to convince us to do a guided tour on the river, however, we wanted to give it a try ourselves, not to mention it was also cheaper.

My friend Jo had looked up how to punt on youtube and decided to give it ago, she did a really good job considering she had never been punting before, and we all had a lovely time taking pictures, enjoying the scenery around us and listening to the guided tours going on around us. There was one scary and funny moment though when the pole got stuck on the bridge we had just gone under, before falling onto the water us watching ourselves float away from it, thank goodness we had a paddle!

We ended up in Revolution for lunch, where we admired the nice decor, and while the food was very nice, the service was a bit slow. After lunch we headed back out with plans to look around a view museums, unfortunately, they were closed with us either being too late or them having not opened due to it being Good Friday. Instead my friend Chiara suggested we went punting again as she wanted to give it a try, and whilst we were on the river we went past another friend of mines college, so I sent her text and she came down to say hello, she offered to take us to her college as sadly we weren't allowed in without a key. She is currently at Kings College, it always reminds me of Hogwarts and the grass is immaculate!

Overall the day was lovely, it was lovely to be around people shared similar hobbies and interests for once when I stopped to take pictures I didn't feel like I was holding everyone up as we all pretty much had our cameras and phones out, Chiara suggested taking pictures through her 50mm lens, from that I managed to get a few creative shots. I am so thankful for Friday and for the friends I have, it helped to remind me why I love photography and why I choose to study it a degree level, which is something I really need reminding.

Dana xx 

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