Wednesday, 30 July 2014

'Divergent Series'

Author: Veronica Roth
Publisher: HarperCollins Children's books
Published: 'Divergent'- February 2011, 'Insurgent'- May 2012, 'Allegiant'- October 2013
Pages: 'Divergent' - 487, 'Insurgent'- 525, 'Allegiant'- 526
Genre: Science fiction, dystopia, young-adult fiction
Source: Bought

I remember seeing the first book in the 'Divergent series' at my local Waterstones, captured by the front cover I remember picking it up and reading the blurb, it was not a book I would usually read but I thought it sounded interesting and decided to add it to my birthday list (which was only a couple of weeks later.) Hooked from the very beginning it took me all of two days to read the four hundred and eighty-seven pages that make up the first book. When I heard Veronica Roth was writing a second book I was so excited and eager which soon turned into impatience, the problem was that I read 'Divergent' not long after it was released which meant I was in for a long wait when it came to a sequel, this involved me visiting my local Waterstones whenever I was free to try and obtain a release date. 

As for the second book 'Insurgent' I can barley remember buying it let alone reading it, it all happened so fast. However, this time I knew there was going to be another book, which in turn was her final book in the series 'Allegiant' and as soon as I could I pre-ordered it on Amazon to ensure I had a copy the second it came out, which of course I did. Unfortunately I only managed to read two hundred and forty-one pages before the final year of A levels distracted me, causing the book to be left untouched until a couple of days ago when I finally picked it up to finish it. I ended up reading the final three hundred or so pages that afternoon not knowing what to do with myself when I finished it. 

However, I loved the ending to the series and without giving it away I would just like to thank Veronica Roth for a gripping series and for the realistic ending. It is an ending that I am sure some people may disagree with and may not like, but for me Veronica Roth has done something that most fiction authors and in all honesty you could even say scriptwriters fail to do and that is incorporate a realistic element within the story and then show the aftermath of this element. Whereas, there will be authors out there who would have done the exact same thing but would have just ended it there and not shown the aftermath. I for one know that I always reach the end of a book and although everything has been summed up and the story has finished a part of me wants to know what the characters life's are like after what has ever happened. Do you ever feel that way or is it just me? I'm apologize if this last bit sounds confusing, I am just trying to express my feelings without ruining the ending for those of you who have not read the book. 

Favourite Quote:

"There are so many ways to be brave in this world. Sometimes bravery involves laying down your life for something bigger than yourself, or for someone else. Sometimes it involves giving up everything you have ever known or everyone you have ever loved, for the sake of something greater. But sometimes it doesn't.Sometimes it is nothing more than gritting your teeth through pain, and the work of everyday, the slow walk toward a better life."                                           'Allegiant'

Rating: 5 stars

You can find the talented Veronica Roth on twitter:

Check out her website:

So here's to the end of a great series! 

"I'll say it one last time: Be brave."

Lots of love, 



Sunday, 27 July 2014

Scripture Sunday!!

 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16

Lots of love,
Dayna xxx


Friday, 25 July 2014

My 18th Birthday!

This time last week I turned 18, 18 on the 18th of July (my poor attempt at a joke) and thanks to family and friends I had a wonderful 18th birthday. So, I'm now an adult, I don't really know what else to say, I don't feel different, but I'm now old enough to drink (I don't really drink much) and to buy 'The Walking Dead!' As well as the gifts below I also received quiet a lot money to buy what I please, I shall write a post on some of things I bought at some point in the near future.

Lots of love,
Dayna xxx

Monday, 14 July 2014

I'm hooked...

Since my exams have finished I have been catching up on popular TV shows that I never had the chance to watch because of exams. One of those shows is 'The Walking Dead' and as the title of this post says I am hooked, from the very first episode there has been non stop action and each episode leaves you wanting more. If you do not already watch it then I would highly recommend it as longs as you can  can deal with violence and gore.

The show is based on a comic written by Robert Kirkman which follows protagonist Rick Grimes as he wakes from a coma to find the world has practically come to end and the dead are now walking, it continues as he attempts to find his family and survive in this new world.

Image from Google images

Lots of love,
Dayna xxx

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